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3 adet raid yapıldı ve bunlar 11 temmuz salı, 14 temmuz cuma ve 18 temmuz salı günleriydi. Eğer seeder çoksa, yani 50 den yukarıdaysa 30 Mb/s gibi devasa hızlara ulaşılabiliyordu ancak genelde benim indirdiğim materyallerde 6-7 seeder vardı o sebeple genel olarak 4-5 Mb/s hızına ulaşabildim.
Bu tür torrentlerden belli miktar ekleyince hızın 8.5Mb/s civarlarında dolaştığını farkettim ve optimum aktif torrent sayısının 4-5 bandında kalması gerektiği bilgisine son raid'de nail oldum.
Kendime bir kaç ay yetecek kadar content indirdim. Raid'lerden elde edilen ganimetler sırasıyla 150, 203, 270 gb idi. 623 gb hem bilgisayarlarımı hem de harddiskimi review etmeme sebebiyet verdi. Yeni düzenlemeler yaptım. Bir yandan da laboratuvarda arkadaşlarla edilen sohbetin de kıymeti çoktur.
Bu olayların zaman içerisinde bir milat değeri kazanacağını ve ileride hep bu "the raids" adlı olaylara gönderide bulunulacağı için bunu yazma gereği duydum.
Ve bu yazımda mümkün olduğunca cümleler içerisine yabancı kelimeler serpiştirdim son zamanlarda dili katletmekten ekstra zevk almaya başladım.
Ayrıca daha önce ürettiğim bir birim olan ve movie per month anlamına gelen mpm bana ilham verdi ve yeni bir birim daha oluşturdum bu da gbpd. Anlamı ise gigabyte consumed per day. Hesaplanması ise kolay değil. Mesela ben Birinci Raid'de 150gb indirdim ama gbpd bu kadar değildi. Çünkü bunları izlemediğim için sayılmadı. Gbpd'yi hesaplamak için o gün izlenilen filmlerin boyutları ve oynanan oyunların boyutları toplanmalı ayrıca da izlenilen youtube ya da benzeri siteler için bi consumption counter programı kurulmalı ve saatlerin 23:59 u gösterdiği an bu veriler toplanmalıdır. Bu da bilime bir başka katkımdır.
19 Ağustos 2015 Çarşamba
13 Ağustos 2015 Perşembe
i met your mother
of thrones
and a half men
name is earl
of brothers
of thrones:::::::::monday(ov)
call saul::::::::::::monday(ov)
big bang theory::::friday(ov)
wire (1 season)
Mentalist (1 season)
House (4 seasons)
Dexter (2 episodes)
dead (3 seasons)
killing (8 episodes)
Banshee (2 seasons)
Gallipoli (4 episodes)
season ended
ongoing season
Farcry 3. *
Hitman absolution*
Wolfenstein new world order *
Sniper elite 3*
Tomb raider*
Ryse son of rome*
Advanced warfare*
Lifeless planet*
The talos principle*
Gta 5*
Wolfenstein old blood*
Sniper Ghost warrior 2*
Assassins creed unity*
Brothers tale of two sons*
The vanishing of ethan carter*
Tales from the borderlands* ep3
Crysis 3*
Life is strange* ep5
Battlefield 4*
Mad max*
Bioshock infinite*
Minecraft story mode ep1*
Blitzkrieg*Life is strange* ep5
Battlefield 4*
Mad max*
Bioshock infinite*
Minecraft story mode ep1*
Minecraft story mode ep2*
Starcraft Legacy of the void* 14.12.2015
Superhot 17.3.2016
Talos principle road to gehenna 2.7.2016
Rise of the Tomb Raider 13.8.2016
Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy Remastered 1.10.2016
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Remastered ???
Totally accurate battle simulator 25.1.2017
Apotheon 17.2.2017
Battlefield 1 18.2.2017
Driver San Francisco 21.2.2017
Mark of the Ninja 26.2.2017
HITMAN 24.3.2017
Mirror's Edge Catalyst 27.3.2017
Scanner Somber 4.5.2017
FarCry Primal 9.5.2017
late shift 4.6.2017
far cry 5 29.5.2018
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands 25.7.2018
Assassins Creed Origins 6.8.2018
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 12.10.2018
Portal 01.11.2018
The Free Ones 16.11.2018
Age of Empires 2: African Kingdoms 28.12.2018
Shadow of Tomb Raider 24.1.2019
Hitman 2 22.2.2019
Life Is Strange 2 part 2 4.3.2019
Assassins Creed Odyssey 14.3.2019
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 20.3.2019
Bridge.Constructor.Portal.v1.4 20/3/2019
Far Cry New Dawn 11.4.2019
Game of Thrones A TellTale Game 27.5.2019
Typoman 31.5.2019
Age of Empires 2 DE 12.12.2019
My friend pedro 4.1.2020
Call of duty: modern warfare 2.4.2020
Starcraft 2 ► Nova Covert Ops 2.7.2020
Hitman 3 21.12.2021
Total War WARHAMMER II 01.01.2022
Assassins Creed Valhalla 15.2.2022
Age of Empires 4 13.4.2022
Far cry 6 24.4.2022
Ghostrunner 9.6.2022
Destroy all humans 26.6.2022
Red Dead Redemption 2 9.9.2022
High on life 9.1.2023
GTA IV 29.1.2023
Crossfire legion 19.4.2023
The Talos Principle 1.8.2024
Ghost of Tsushima 13.9.2024
Worms WMD 27.9.2024
Hitman GO 28.11.2024
Diplomacy is not an option 2.12.2024
Toy Tactics 14.12.2024
Call of duty black ops 6 27.12.2024
Watch dogs legion 23.1.2025
Crime Scene Cleaner 11.2.2025
Assassin's Creed Mirage 22.2.2025
İzlediğim Filmleri not etmem
13 Eylül 2014 yılından itibaren izlediğim filmleri telefonumun bi köşesine not almaya başladım. İlk not aldığım filmin adı Freedom Writers'dır. Buna 2 Şubat 2015 tarihinde "Dracula Untold" filmini izledikten sonra izlediğim tarihi de yanına yazmamla yeni boyut kazandırdım. Ve hala her izlediğim bu şekilde kaydederim.
Listemi genişletmek istedim ve bunun için artık pek de kullanmadığım eski bilgisayarımdaki torrent listesine baktım. Şükür dedim ki film indikten sonra listeden kaldırmamışım. Tabiki vaktinde alıp kenara koyduğum klasör screenshot larından da yoğun bir biçimde yararlandım.
Daha sonra listemi 300 günlük zaman dilimlerine böldüm, çünkü 300 gün kabaca 10 ay eder ve aylık film izleme oranının hesaplanması için faydalı olucaktır diye düşündüm. Ve final tablosu, bu yazıyı yazmakta olduğum 13.8.2015 tarihi ile şöyledir:
////From 2013 november 13 \\\\\\\
10 Things i hate about you *
21 grams
300 rise of an empire
500 days of summer
A very old harold and kumar
Act of valor
After earth
American gangster
American hustle
Assault on wall street
Battle in seattle
Before Sunrise
Before Sunset
Behind enemy lines
Blue streak
Body of lies
Burn after reading
Canakkale yolun sonu **
Carne de neon
Casino jack
City of god
Clerks 2
Coach carter
Cold mountain
Collateral damage
Courage under fire
Crimson tide
Death sentence
Despicable me
Django unchained
End of watch
Enders game
Enemy of the state
Escape from planet earth
Flags of our fathers
Four brothers
Get the gringo
Good morning vietnam
Hard boiled
Harold and.kumar escape guantan
Harold and.kumar escape go to wc ***
Hell and back again
Inside job
Jack reacher
Johnny english reborn
La confidential
Les miserables
Letters from iwo jima
Lo imposible
Lone survivor
Machete kills
Malcolm x
Mean girls
Mean girls 2
Mission impossible ghost protocol
Mortal.kombat annihilation
Most wanted1997
My way
Need for speed
Now you see me
Olympus has fallen
Pacific rim
Ride along
Project x
Scary movie 4
Seven psychopaths
Shot through the heart
Star trek 2009
Star trek into darkness
sudden death
Taare zameen par
Taken 2
The 40 year old virgin
The a team
The hangover part 3
Hobbit smaug
The italian job
The karate kid
The kingdom
The thin red line
The watch
Wolf of wall street
This is the end
Thor the dark world
Training day
Tropic thunder
Undisputed 3 redemption
War horse
We were soldiers
Welcome to.sarajevo
Whitehouse down
White men cant jump
World war z
Zero dark thirty
/////123 movies 10 months, 12.3 mpm//////
///////// 13 september 2014////////
Freedom writers
The fountain
How to train your dragon 2
Monsters vs aliens
12 years a slave
Shot through the heart
Air force one
The book thief
The thing
22 jump street
Million ways to die in the west
Killing season
Grand budapest hotel
Wreck it ralph
Tmnt 2014
Fast and furious
2 fast 2 furious
Tokyo drift
Devils advocate
This is england
Das boot
The syrian bride
Last of the mohcians
Captain america winter soldier
The last samurai
Donnie darko
The big lebowski
Magic mike
Jack ryan shadow recruit
The interview
Brick mansions
Transformers age of extinction
22 jump street
The amazing spiderman 2
Rio 2
Legend of Hercules
Recep ivedik 4
Guardians of the galaxy
Godzilla 2014
Behind enemy lines 2:axisofevil
Camp x ray
Behind enemy lines 3:colombia
Edge of tomorrow
My name is khan
Paradise now
Boys of abu ghraib
Top gun
The Equalizer
Lets be cops
Dracula untold 7.2.2015
An american carol
John wick
Big hero 6
I origins
Taken 3
GI joes rise of cobra
Memento 19.02.2015
Kill the messenger 19.02.2015
The Fault in our stars 21.02.2015
Mr nobody 22.02.2015
Neighbors 25.02.2015
Nightcrawler 26.02.2015
John tucker must die 27-28.02.2015
The hornet's nest 1.3.2015
Foxcatcher 6.3.2015
Pain and gain 6.3.2015
About schmidt 10.3.2015
Exodus: kings and gods 11.3.2015
The imitation game 12.3.2015
Cuban fury 16.03.2015
The theory of everything 17.03.2015
Interstellar 28.03.2015
Water diviner 28.03.2015
Trancendence 03.04.2015
Battle of 5 armies 06.04.2015
Whiplash 09.04.2015
Special forces 14.04.2015
Kid cannabis 18.04.2015
Before midnight 9.5.2015
American sniper 9.5.2015
Palo alto 12.5.2015
Escobar paradise lost 12.5.2015
Unbroken 16.5.2015
The purge anarchy 16.5.2015
Penguins of madagascar 19.5.2015
Selma 30.5.2015
Captain phillips 3.6.2015
The giver 4.6.2015
Jupiter ascending 19.6.2015
A beautiful mind 20.6.2015
Wild card 21.6.2015
Fast and furious 7 22.6.2015
Ex Machina 23.6.2015
Sponge bob 23.6.3015
Run all night 23.6.3015
Our universe 24.6.2015
Hypercube 25.6.2015
The cove 28.6.2015
Cube zero 29.6.2015
The duff 30.6.2015
The truman show 1.7.2015
Walking with dinasours 5.7.2015
Get hard 5.7.2015
Wild 5.7.2015
Echelon conspiracy 6.7.2015
Kingsman 7.7.2015
Focus 8.7.2015
Cloud atlas 9.7.2015
The signal 10.7.2015
The cobbler 11.7.2015
Skin trade 11.7.2015
Defiance 11.7.2015
American beauty 12.7.2015
Travelling salesman 12.7.2015
Birdman 12.7.2015
Mad max fury road 12.7.2015
Step up all in 13.7.2015
The drop 13.7.2015
////138 in 10 months, 13.8mpm\\\\
///// 14 july 2015 \\\\\\
Anchorman 15.7.2015
The lego movie 15.7.2015
Constantine 16.7.2015
Insurgent 18.7.2015
Kung fury.........*4
Httm. 22.7.2015 *5
Httm 2. 22.7.2015
Anchorman 2 23.7.2015
Stalingrad1993 23.7.2015 *6
The machinist 23.7.2015
Ted 24.7.2015
Ted 2 24.7.2015
Hercules(2014) 25.7.2015
Chappie 25.7.2015
Pitch perfect 2 25.7.2015
The other guys 28.7.2015
21&Over 29.7.2015
Jackass grandpa 30.7.2015
Law abiding citizen 30.7.2015
Night at the museum 30.7.2015
Rescue dawn 3.8.2015
Night at the museum bos 3.8.2015
Spy 4.8.2015
Against the sun 4.8.2015
Lap dance 4.8.2015
The maze runner 5.8.2015
Night at the museum sot 6.8.2015
Bad Johnson 7.8.2015
Bad country 7.8.2015
Barely lethal 9.8.2015
Red Army 9.8.2015
Two night stand 9.8.2015
Beyond the lights 10.8.2015
Starred up 12.8.2015
Platoon 12.8.2015
Feast 13.8.2015
Stalingrad 2013 15.8.2015
Bravo two zero 15.8.2015
Black sea 15.8.2015
The monuments men 16.8.2015
Good kill 17.8.2015
Crazy stupid love 17.8.2015
Shooter 17.8.2015
The book of eli 19.8.2015
The man from nowhere 19.8.2015
Kingdom of heaven 20.8.2015
The longest yard 21.8.2015
Rain Man 22.8.2015
Buried 23.8.2015
Last knights 24.8.2015
Kidnapping mr heineken 25.8.2015
Hachiko 26.8.2015
Stretch 26.8.2015
Age of adeline 26.8.2015
True story 27.8.2015
We ll never have paris 27.8.2015
Snitch 27.8.2015
Hotel transylvania 27.8.2015
Home 27.8.2015
The pick of destiny 28.8.2015
Straight outta compton 29.8.2015
The other woman 30.8.2015
Immortals 1.9.2015
The island 2.9.2015
Why dont you play in hell 3.9.2015
Unstoppable 4.9.2015
The rock 4.9.2015
Citizenfour 5.9.2015
Amelie 5.9.2015
Wrath of the titans 6.9.2015
Click 7.9.2015
Turbo 8.9.2015
Spring breakers 9.9.2015
Amores perros 10.9.2015
American heist 10.9.2015
Carandiru 12.9.2015
Shaun of the dead 13.9.2015
Minions 14.9.2015
The butterfly Effect14.9.2015
About time 15.9.2015
Pride and.Prejudice 17.9.2015
Hitting the apex 17.9.2015
Zodiac 18.9.2015
A haunted house 2 19.9.2015
Leave the world behind 20.9.2015
Air 20.9.2015
El sexo de los angeles 21.9.2015
The croods 21.9.2015
The adventures of tintin 22.9.2015
Oldboy 24.9.2015
Requiem for a dream 27.9.2015
Sin city 27.9.2015
The sixth sence 29.9.2015
Miracle im cell no 7 29.9.2015
Magic mike xxl 1.10.2015
Dragon blade 2.10.2015
Crazy/beautiful 3.10.2015
Brothers 3.10.2015
The gamechangers 4.10.2015
Southpaw 5.10.2015
The hunt for redoctober 7.10.2015
San andreas 9.10.2015
Being john malkovich 9.10.2015
Cooties 10.10.2015
My sassy girl 13.10.2015
Paper towns 14.10.2015
Inside out 14.10.2015
Michael collins 16.10.2015
The raid 2 17.10.2015
Max 17.10.2015
Truman 18.10.2015
Escape to victory 19.10.2015
Dope 20.10.2015
Apocalypse Now 21.10.2015
The man from earth 22.10.2015
Me earl and dying girl 23.10.2015
Lucky number slevin 24.10.2015
Neo ned 25.10.2015
Cypher 25.10.2015
Entourage 27.10.2015
Ajami 28.10.2015
Super 30.10.2015
The fifth element 31.10.2015
The admiral 2.11.2015
boyz n the hood 3.11.2015
elite squad 5.11.2015
9th april 6.11.2015
elite squad2 7.11.2015
no escape 9.11.2015
the fall 13.11.2015
talvisota 13.11.2015
the man from uncle 14.11.2015
Hitman agent 47 15.11.2015
American Ultra 15.11.2015
Ant-man 17.11.2015
Office Space 20.11.2015
Die Welle 24.11.2015
the manchurian candidate 26.11.2015
con air 26.11.2015
inside man 28.11.2015
life is beautiful 01.12.2015
the pursuit of happiness 03.12.2015
eichmann 04.12.2015
clash of the titans 05.12.2015
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation 05.12.2015
Tracers 06.12.2015
The Town 07.12.2015
Hugo 09.12.2015
Rosewater 11.12.2015
maze runner scorch trials 13.12.2015
Against the Wall 14.12.2015
Big stan 16.12.2015
the big red one 19.12.2015
malena 19.12.2015
don verdean 19.12.2015
in enemy hands 21.12.2015
phantom 24.12.2015
everest 27.12.2015
the martian 28.12.2015
sicario 29.12.2015
creed 30.12.2015
close range 31.12.2015
The walk 1.1.2016
Crank 3.1.2016
30 minutes or less 6.1.2016
The great raid 8.1.2016
Never let me go 11.1.2016
Paycheck 13.1.2016
There will be blood 14.1.2016
The boy in strp pijamas 15.1.2016
John q 16.1.2016
Limitless 19.1.2016
Bridge of spies 23.1.2016
2 guns 25.1.2016
Hotel transylvania 2 26.1.2016
Tears of the sun 30.1.2016
Exam 30.1.2016
Brooklyn 31.1.2016
In the heart of the sea 31.1.2016
The hateful eight 3.2.2016
Jarhead 3 the siege 5.2.2016
Fathers and daughters 7.2.2016
The good dinasaur 7.2.2016
Extraction 9.2.2016
Kotu kedi serafettin 11.2.2016
Black mass 13.2.2016
Macbeth 15.2.2016
Xxx 17.2.2016
Pawn sacrifice 19.2.2016
Contact 21.2.2016
Plastic 21.2.2016
Steve jobs 22.2.2016
Northern limit line 23.2.2016
Into the wild 25.2.2016
Deep web 27.2.2016
The revenant 28.2.2016
Spectre 28.2.2016
Sympathy for my vengeance 2.3.2016
Java heat 5.3.2016
Da vinci code 8.3.2016
Would you rather 9.3.2016
A most wanted man 9.3.2016
Conspiracy 15.3.2016
The notebook 15.3.2016
The time that remains 16.3.2016
The peanuts movie 17.3.2016
The division agent origins 17.3.2016
12 Angry Men 19.3.2016
Babel 19.3.2016
The big short 20.3.2016
Apollo 13 21.3.2016
Syriana 23.3.2016
Daft punk unchained 23.3.2016
The 33 25.3.2016
Empire of the sun 26.3.2016
Kung full panda 3 27.3.2016
Spotlight 27.3.2016
Daddy's home 29.3.2016
Scott pilgrim vs the world 29.3.2016
Margin call 01.04.2016
Transsiberian 03.04.2016
The lobster 06.04.2016
Who am I 07.04.2016
Dead poets society 08.04.2016
Into the blue 10.04.2016
Pressure 11.04.2016
Monsters Inc 16.04.2016
Ali baba 7cuceler 17.04.2016
Journey to the edge of the u 18.04.2016
Search party 20.04.2016
Der ewige Jude 21.04.2016
SW force awakens 22.04.2016
Existenz 22.04.2016
Filth 23.04.2016
The finest hours 27.04.2016
Revolver 30.04.2016
Sympathy for lady vengeance 1.5.2016
Fanaa 1.5.2016
Looper 5.5.2016
Mr. Right 6.5.2016
The Bear 8.5.2016
( 241 movies in 300 days, 24.1 mpm)
////May 9 2016 to 4 March 2017/////
All the pretty horses 9.5.2016
Ride along 2 10.5.2016
Dirty grandpa 14.5.2016
Deadpool 15.5.2016
The transporter refueled 18.5.2016
Under Sandet 19.5.2016
Hunger games 21.5.2016
Lawless 22.5.2016
Hunger games catching fire 25.5.2016
Hunger g. mockingjay part 1 28.5.2016
Triple 9 31.5.2016
(11 movies in 23 days)
13hourssecretsoldiersofbengazi 4.6.2016
Bizans oyunları 5.6.2016
Minuscule v of the lost ants 5.6.2016
American pie 8.6.2016
Osman pazarlama 15.6.2016
London has fallen 19.6.2016
The brothers grimsby 19.6.2016
Hail Caesar 25.6.2016
Hungergamesmockingjay part2 25.6.2016
Eye in the sky 26.6.2016
War 26.6.2016
Zootopia 26.6.2016
American pie 2 2.7.2016
American wedding 3.7.2016
Monsters University 3.7.2016
Approaching the unknown 4.7.2016
Allegiant 5.7.2016
Where to invade next 6.7.2016
Whiskey tango foxtrot 6.7.2016
Batman v superman 8.7.2016
The mechanic 13.7.2016
Septembers of Shiraz 14.7.2016
Outbreak 17.7.2016
Polar bears a summer Odyssey 22.7.2016
Hardcore Henry 24.7.2016
Polar bears spy on the ice 26.7.2016
Demolition 30.7.2016
12 Monkeys 30.7.2016
Look who's back 31.7.2016
Triumph of the will 1.8.2016
Talladega nights 3.8.2016
Nomad the warrior 4.8.2016
Angry birds 7.8.2016
Warcraft 10.8.2016
Angels and demons 13.8.2016
Get rich or die tryin' 21.8.2016
The jungle book 31.8.2016
Spaceballs 1.9.2016
Last days in the desert 2.9.2016
Ratchet and clank 6.9.2016
The man who knew infinity 6.9.2016
Mississippi burning 10.9.2016
A hologram for the king 12.9.2016
Sniper ghost shooter 13.9.2016
Bastille day 13.9.2016
Now you see me 2 14.9.2016
Money monster 18.9.2016
Miss congeniality 24.9.2016
Tmnt out of the shadows 25.9.2016
Four lions 27.9.2016
Dinner for schmucks 28.9.2016
A bridge too far 1.10.2016
Secret life of Walter mitty 4.10.2016
Joshy 5.10.2016
Conquest of paradise 8.10.2016
Centurion 18.10.2016
Popstar nvr stop nvr stopping 19.10.2016
Suicide squad 23.10.2016
Ice age collision course 23.10.2016
Neighbors 2 sorority rising 24.10.2016
Nerve 26.10.2016
Free state of Jones 13.11.2016
Army of one 14.11.2016
The legend of Tarzan 14.11.2016
Tallulah 17.11.2016
War dogs 18.11.2016
Flock of dudes 19.11.2016
Central intelligence 20.11.2016
Skiptrace 20.11.2016
Independence day resurgence 20.11.2016
Imperium 22.11.2016
Mechanic: resurrection 23.11.2016
Finding dory 26.11.2016
Live from Baghdad 27.11.2016
Star trek beyond 27.11.2016
Mike and Dave need w. d. 27.11.2016
The infidel 28.11.2016
The infiltrator 30.11.2016
25th hour 4.12.2016
Jason Bourne 5.12.2016
Rock the kasbah 10.12.2016
Our kind of traitor 11.12.2016
Igor 18.12.2016
Snowden 20.12.2016
Storks 22.12.2016
Sully 25.12.2016
Piper 27.12.2016
Swiss army man 28.12.2016
I robot 28.12.2016
The believer 29.12.2016
The silence of the lambs 30.12.2016
The magnificent seven 30.12.2016
Accountant 4.1.2017
Southside with you 4.1.2017
Dog eat dog 5.1.2017
Kubo and the two strings 7.1.2017
PK 8.1.2017
Operation Avalanche 10.1.2017
Only the strong 12.1.2017
Keeping up with the joneses 14.1.2017
Crash 17.1.2017
Secret life of pets 17.1.2017
American honey 21.1.2017
When the bought breaks 26.1.2017
Happy people: a year in taiga 30.1.2017
Masterminds 3.2.2017
Ordinary world 3.2.2017
The nice guys 4.2.2017
Arrival 5.2.2017
Lope 6.2.2017
Uss Indianapolis 7.2.2017
Monty python and the Holy grail 8.2.2017
Passengers 9.2.2017
Deep water horizon 10.2.2017
Inferno 12.2.2017
Groundhog day 12.2.2017
Hacksaw Ridge 14.2.2017
Hell or high water 14.2.2017
Coherence 15.2.2017
Date night 17.2.2017
Colonia 21.2.2017
Allied 22.2.2017
Moonlight 22.2.2017
Doctor strange 24.2.2017
Manchester by the sea 25.2.2017
Moana 26.2.2017
Lion 1.3.2017
American psycho 4.3.2017
////5 March 2017 to 29 December 2017/////
Nocturnal animals 5.3.2017
The Perks of being a wallflower 10.3.2017
Children of men 15.3.2017
Assassins creed 18.3.2017
Gernika 18.3.2017
War on everyone 20.3.2017
Jimmy vestvood amerikan hero 21.3.2017
Lo and behold 22.3.2017
Resident evil the final chapter 23.3.2017
Office Christmas party 23.3.2017
Sing 24.3.2017
Bleed for this 25.3.2017
Billy Lynn's halftime walk 26.3.2017
Dağ II 27.3.2017
Alone in Berlin 28.3.2017
A tale of love and darkness 29.3.2017
Silence 30.3.2017
Collateral beauty 31.3.2017
Patriots day 1.4.2017
Return of Xander cage 3.4.1993
Already tomorrow in Hong Kong 5.4.1993
Good will hunting 6.4.2017
The breakfast club 7.4.2017
Anthropoid 7.4.2017
Mine 14.4.2017
Sleepless 18.4.2017
The mission 19.4.2017
Perfetti sconosciuti 21.4.2017
Boys don't cry 21.4.2017
The founder 23.4.2017
The exorcist 23.4.2017
Live by night 24.4.2017
Bokeh 25.4.2017
La la land 26.4.2017
Sand castle 27.4.2017
Buffalo soldiers 28.4.2017
The ides of March 29.4.2017
The space between us 13.5.2017
Boyka undisputed 14.5.2017
Deep cover 18.5.2017
Sunshine 18.5.2017
Fist fight 19.5.2017
The great Wall 19.5.2017
The fate of the furious 20.5.2017
The age of shadows 21.5.2017
Why him 23.5.2017
Split 24.5.2017
Gold 26.5.2017
John wick chapter 2 27.5.2017
Dear Eleanor 3.6.2017
War machine 4.6.2017
Buster's mal heart 5.6.2017
The raven 6.6.2017
Alexander 7.6.2017
Kill switch 8.6.2017
The Lego batman movie 8.6.2017
Life 11.6.2017
Wilson 15.6.2017
Chips 19.6.2017
Free fire 22.6.2017
All about the money 23.6.2017
The discovery 28.6.2017
Kevin hart what now 29.6.2017
The exception 1.7.2017
Vigilante diaries 2.7.2017
Logan 3.7.2017
Song to song 3.7.2017
HP chamber of secrets 6.7.2017
T2 trainspotting 7.7.2017
Taxi driver 8.7.2017
HP prisoner of Azkaban 8.7.2017
Power rangers 9.7.2017
Queen of the desert 13.7.2017
A United Kingdom 14.7.2017
HP philosopher's stone 16.7.2017
The blue lagoon 16.7.2017
Tour de pharmacy 17.7.2017
The belko experiment 18.7.2017
Horrible bosses 2 18.7.2017
Cafe society 20.7.2017
Think like a man too 22.7.2017
Ghost in the shell(2017) 22.7.2017
The lost city of z 23.7.2017
The promise 23.7.2017
Tora Tora Tora 26.7.2017
HP and goblet of fire 26.7.2017
Wonder woman 27.7.2017
HP order of Phoenix 29.7.2017
The talented Mr Ripley 31.7.2017
2:22 2.8.2017
The ottoman lieutenant 2.8.2017
Battle Royale 4.8.2017
King Arthur legend of the sword 5.8.2017
Going in style 8.8.2017
Security 10.8.2017
Ripped 12.8.2017
The bad batch 13.8.2017
The wall 13.8.2017
Jay and silent Bob strikes back 17.8.2017
Shimmer lake 18.8.2017
Shot caller 20.8.2017
Idiocracy 22.8.2017
The circle 23.8.2017
68 kills 24.8.2017
HP and half blood prince 26.8.2017
Maz jobrani immigrant 29.8.2017
Baywatch 30.8.2017
6 days 31.8.2017
Kedi 9.9.2017
Megan leavey 12.9.2017
Battle for Sevastopol 14.9.2017
Rough night 16.9.2017
Baby driver 26.9.2017
The little hours 27.9.2017
Transformers the last knight 30.9.2017
The layover 30.9.2017
All eyez on me 1.10.2017
The house 2.10.2017
The big sick 3.10.2017
Despicable me 3 13.10.2017
Lowriders 13.10.2017
Captain fantastic 15.10.2017
PiratesoftheCaribbean :dmtnt 18.10.2017
Serenity 24.10.2017
Born in China 3.11.2017
HP and the deathly hollows P2 6.11.2017
Reality high 14.11.2017
The dark tower 14.11.2017
Voyage of time 24.11.2017
The legend of 1900 29.11.2017
Gifted 30.11.2017
Girls trip 1.12.2017
Dredd 4.12.2017
Dunkirk 8.12.2017
Logan lucky 10.12.2017
Kingsman golden circle 16.12.2017
The pirates of Somalia 16.12.2017
American made 19.12.2017
Battleship island 21.12.2017
The glass castle 23.12.2017
Victoria and Abdul 25.12.2017
Atomic blonde 26.12.2017
Step brothers 26.12.2017
Tinker tailor soldier spy 29.12.2017
The foreigner 2.1.2018
Stronger 11.1.2018
Bright 12.1.2018
American Assassin 13.1.2018
First they killed my father 13.1.2018
Jungle 18.1.2018
The campaign 19.1.2018
Lego ninjago 20.1.2018
Crash pad 26.1.2018
Last flag flying 9.2.2018
Thank you for your service 19.2.2018
Renegades 28.2.2018
Daddy's home 2 2.3.2018
Blades of glory 2.3.2018
Cocaine godmother 3.3.2018
The disaster artist 8.3.2018
Prof Marston wonder woman 10.3.2018
Crown heights 13.3.2018
The death of Stalin 18.3.2018
Brad's status 20.3.2018
The female brain 24.3.2018
Get him to the Greek 24.3.2018
Father figures 25.3.2018
Reign of fire 27.3.2018
Viking 27.3.2018
Three billboards outside ebb 29.3.2018
Game over man 30.3.2018
Borg vs McEnroe 31.3.2018
12 strong 6.4.2018
The commuter 6.4.2018
Coco 12.4.2018
Goodbye Christopher Robin 22.4.2018
Ali and nino 23.4.2018
Molly's game 25.4.2018
Den of Thieves 28.4.2018
Annihilation 30.4.2018
All the money in the world 1.5.2018
Dangal 1.5.2018
Game night 10.5.2018
The motorcycle diaries 10.5.2018
Pacific rim 2 13.5.2018
Detroit 14.5.2018
The 15:17 to Paris 14.5.2018
The post 19.5.2018
The boss baby 19.5.2018
Hostiles 26.5.2018
Peter rabbit 1.6.2018
Ready player one 3.6.2018
Tomb raider 4.6.2018
Journey's end 7.6.2018
How high 11.6.2018
Mountain 12.6.2018
7 days in entebbe 21.6.2018
Every day 22.6.2018
Dances with wolves 23.6.2018
Van helsing 29.6.2018
Wind river 30.6.2018
Beirut 4.7.2018
Anon 11.7.2018
The yellow birds 12.7.2018
Lost in London 13.7.2018
Mark felt wbdtwh 13.7.2018
Vincent and roxxy 22.7.2018
Loving Pablo 22.7.2018
The great Gatsby 25.7.2018
2001: a space odyssey 25.7.2018
The meyerowitz stories 26.7.2018
Bodyguard 27.7.2018
A man called ove 27.7.2018
Blade runner 2049 3.8.2018
Final fantasy the spirits within 7.8.2018
The elder millennial 11.8.2018
The raging bull 14.8.2018
How it ends 15.8.2018
Life of Brian 15.8.2018
Legends of the fall 17.8.2018
Mary magdalena 19.8.2018
Adrift 21.8.2018
Deadpool 2 22.8.2018
Siberia 25.8.2018
Okja 2.9.2018
Ocean's Eight 4.9.2018
The catcher was a spy 9.9.2018
The mountain between us 13.9.2018
Sicario day of the soldado 21.9.2018
How to get girls 30.9.2018
Heavy reissu 2.10.2018
Upgrade 2.10.2018
Blue iguana 3.10.2018
Tag 4.10.2018
Armed 10.10.2018
King's choice 12.10.2018
The villainess 15.10.2018
É.T 15.10.2018
Ayla 18.10.2018
Bilal a new breed of hero 28.10.2018
Next gen 30.10.2018
Future World 31.10.2018
Skyscrapers 31.10.2018
BlackKklansman 1.11.2018
They live 2.11.2018
Wonder 4.11.2018
Atonement 4.11.2018
The predator 19.11.2018
Outlaw king 25.11.2018
Redbad 27.11.2018
[[[Military Time]]]
Johnny English strikes again 1.1.2019
Perfectos desconocidos 2.1.2019
Papillon 4.1.2019
A beautiful planet 7.1.2019
Venom 8.1.2019
Child 44 16.1.2019
Hotel Artemis 21.1.2019
Kung fu hustle 22.1.2019
Incredibles 2 23.1.2019
A beginner's guide to snuff 23.1.2019
White boy Rick 23.1.2019
The spy who dumped me 28.1.2019
Night school 30.1.2019
They shall not grow old 1.2.2019
Operation finale 3.2.2019
Bohemian rhapsody 20.2.2019
Reno 911 Miami 25.2.2019
A star is born 27.2.2019
A few good man 4.3.2019
Mortal engines 7.3.2019
Frontera 7.3.2019
Bumblebee 13.3.2019
Cruise 14.3.2019
Ballad of the buster Scruggs 26.3.2019
The sisters brothers 31.3.2019
The man who killed Don Quixote 5.4.2019
Destination wedding 5.4.2019
How to train your dragon hidden world 8.4.2019
Ralph breaks the internet 8.4.2019
Widows 8.4.2019
Glass 10.4.2019
Alita 11.4.2019
Replicas 13.4.2019
Triple threat 14.4.2019
Dragged across concrete 16.4.2019
Isn't it romantic 17.4.2019
Black mirror bandersnatch 22.4.2019
Kin 23.4.2019
Arctic 23.4.2019
Divorce party 26.4.2019
What men want 28.4.2019
London fields 6.5.2019
Green book 8.5.2019
The equalizer 2 28.5.2019
Fighting with my family 30.5.2019
Five feet apart 5.6.2019
Black panther 24.6.2019
Hotel Mumbai 25.6.2019
Stockholm 26.6.2019
The hummingbird project 28.6.2019
The girl who leapt through time 30.6.2019
Pretty woman 4.7.2019
The professor 5.7.2019
The Pokémon detective 6.7.2019
The equalizer 2 10.7.2019
The battle of Algiers 14.7.2017
The highwaymen 16.7.2019
Avengement 23.7.2019
the aftermath 27.7.2019
funny story 29.7.2019
blindspotting 31.7.2019
A violent man 1.8.2019
Serenity 1.8.2019
Marwen 2.8.2019
Long dumb road 3.8.2019
Slaughterhouse rulez 3.8.2019
Making babies 4.8.2019
Shaft 8.8.2019
Tolkien 8.8.2019
Silver linings playbook 14.8.2019
Long shot 15.8.2019
John Wick parabellum 16.8.2019
Shazam! 16.8.2019
Overcomers 24.9.2019
The place 24.10.2019
El camino 07.11.2019
Free sólo 25.11.2019
Snowpiercer 26.11.2019
Lost in translation 28.11.2019
The current war 29.11.2019
Stuber 30.11.2019
Spiderman into the spider verse 30.11.2019
Spring summer fall winter 30.11.2019
Oh Brother where are thou 04.12.2019
Turkish ice-cream 08.12.2019
Once upon a time in Hollywood 14.12.2019
The flowers of war 18.12.2019
Danger close 23.12.2019
The laundromat 23.12.2019
Joker 25.12.2019
Angel has fallen 27.12.2019
Jexi 28.12.2019
Fast and furious Hobbs and shaw 30.12.2019
The team kill 30.12.2019
Rambo last blood 31.12.2019
6 underground 31.12.2019
The king 3.1.2020
The art of racing in the rain 4.1.2020
The operative 5.1.2020
There be dragons 5.1.2020
Red sea diving resort 11.1.2020
Abominable 12.1.2020
Jojo rabbit 12.1.2020
Bridge on the river Kwai 12.1.2020
Bad boys for life 19.1.2020
Siege of Jadotville 30.1.2020
Russel peters deported 1.2.2020
Jay and silent Bob reboot 4.2.2020
1917 7.2.2020
Midway 9.2.2020
Ford v Ferrari 23.2.2020
Spenser 9.3.2020
Zombieland double tap 16.3.2020
Ad astra 18.3.2020
Extraction 24.4.2020
Art of self defense 1.5.2020
Chris delia no pain 1.5.2020
Romeo must die 5.5.2020
Nacho libre 8.5.2020
The Irishman 17.5.2020
Guns akimbo 18.5.2020
Escape from Pretoria 27.5.2020
Battle of jangsari 4.6.2020
The banker 5.6.2020
21 bridges 19.6.2020
The 13th warrior 23.6.2020
Deja vu 30.6.2020
Listemi genişletmek istedim ve bunun için artık pek de kullanmadığım eski bilgisayarımdaki torrent listesine baktım. Şükür dedim ki film indikten sonra listeden kaldırmamışım. Tabiki vaktinde alıp kenara koyduğum klasör screenshot larından da yoğun bir biçimde yararlandım.
Daha sonra listemi 300 günlük zaman dilimlerine böldüm, çünkü 300 gün kabaca 10 ay eder ve aylık film izleme oranının hesaplanması için faydalı olucaktır diye düşündüm. Ve final tablosu, bu yazıyı yazmakta olduğum 13.8.2015 tarihi ile şöyledir:
////From 2013 november 13 \\\\\\\
10 Things i hate about you *
21 grams
300 rise of an empire
500 days of summer
A very old harold and kumar
Act of valor
After earth
American gangster
American hustle
Assault on wall street
Battle in seattle
Before Sunrise
Before Sunset
Behind enemy lines
Blue streak
Body of lies
Burn after reading
Canakkale yolun sonu **
Carne de neon
Casino jack
City of god
Clerks 2
Coach carter
Cold mountain
Collateral damage
Courage under fire
Crimson tide
Death sentence
Despicable me
Django unchained
End of watch
Enders game
Enemy of the state
Escape from planet earth
Flags of our fathers
Four brothers
Get the gringo
Good morning vietnam
Hard boiled
Harold and.kumar escape guantan
Harold and.kumar escape go to wc ***
Hell and back again
Inside job
Jack reacher
Johnny english reborn
La confidential
Les miserables
Letters from iwo jima
Lo imposible
Lone survivor
Machete kills
Malcolm x
Mean girls
Mean girls 2
Mission impossible ghost protocol
Mortal.kombat annihilation
Most wanted1997
My way
Need for speed
Now you see me
Olympus has fallen
Pacific rim
Ride along
Project x
Scary movie 4
Seven psychopaths
Shot through the heart
Star trek 2009
Star trek into darkness
sudden death
Taare zameen par
Taken 2
The 40 year old virgin
The a team
The hangover part 3
Hobbit smaug
The italian job
The karate kid
The kingdom
The thin red line
The watch
Wolf of wall street
This is the end
Thor the dark world
Training day
Tropic thunder
Undisputed 3 redemption
War horse
We were soldiers
Welcome to.sarajevo
Whitehouse down
White men cant jump
World war z
Zero dark thirty
/////123 movies 10 months, 12.3 mpm//////
///////// 13 september 2014////////
Freedom writers
The fountain
How to train your dragon 2
Monsters vs aliens
12 years a slave
Shot through the heart
Air force one
The book thief
The thing
22 jump street
Million ways to die in the west
Killing season
Grand budapest hotel
Wreck it ralph
Tmnt 2014
Fast and furious
2 fast 2 furious
Tokyo drift
Devils advocate
This is england
Das boot
The syrian bride
Last of the mohcians
Captain america winter soldier
The last samurai
Donnie darko
The big lebowski
Magic mike
Jack ryan shadow recruit
The interview
Brick mansions
Transformers age of extinction
22 jump street
The amazing spiderman 2
Rio 2
Legend of Hercules
Recep ivedik 4
Guardians of the galaxy
Godzilla 2014
Behind enemy lines 2:axisofevil
Camp x ray
Behind enemy lines 3:colombia
Edge of tomorrow
My name is khan
Paradise now
Boys of abu ghraib
Top gun
The Equalizer
Lets be cops
Dracula untold 7.2.2015
An american carol
John wick
Big hero 6
I origins
Taken 3
GI joes rise of cobra
Memento 19.02.2015
Kill the messenger 19.02.2015
The Fault in our stars 21.02.2015
Mr nobody 22.02.2015
Neighbors 25.02.2015
Nightcrawler 26.02.2015
John tucker must die 27-28.02.2015
The hornet's nest 1.3.2015
Foxcatcher 6.3.2015
Pain and gain 6.3.2015
About schmidt 10.3.2015
Exodus: kings and gods 11.3.2015
The imitation game 12.3.2015
Cuban fury 16.03.2015
The theory of everything 17.03.2015
Interstellar 28.03.2015
Water diviner 28.03.2015
Trancendence 03.04.2015
Battle of 5 armies 06.04.2015
Whiplash 09.04.2015
Special forces 14.04.2015
Kid cannabis 18.04.2015
Before midnight 9.5.2015
American sniper 9.5.2015
Palo alto 12.5.2015
Escobar paradise lost 12.5.2015
Unbroken 16.5.2015
The purge anarchy 16.5.2015
Penguins of madagascar 19.5.2015
Selma 30.5.2015
Captain phillips 3.6.2015
The giver 4.6.2015
Jupiter ascending 19.6.2015
A beautiful mind 20.6.2015
Wild card 21.6.2015
Fast and furious 7 22.6.2015
Ex Machina 23.6.2015
Sponge bob 23.6.3015
Run all night 23.6.3015
Our universe 24.6.2015
Hypercube 25.6.2015
The cove 28.6.2015
Cube zero 29.6.2015
The duff 30.6.2015
The truman show 1.7.2015
Walking with dinasours 5.7.2015
Get hard 5.7.2015
Wild 5.7.2015
Echelon conspiracy 6.7.2015
Kingsman 7.7.2015
Focus 8.7.2015
Cloud atlas 9.7.2015
The signal 10.7.2015
The cobbler 11.7.2015
Skin trade 11.7.2015
Defiance 11.7.2015
American beauty 12.7.2015
Travelling salesman 12.7.2015
Birdman 12.7.2015
Mad max fury road 12.7.2015
Step up all in 13.7.2015
The drop 13.7.2015
////138 in 10 months, 13.8mpm\\\\
///// 14 july 2015 \\\\\\
Anchorman 15.7.2015
The lego movie 15.7.2015
Constantine 16.7.2015
Insurgent 18.7.2015
Kung fury.........*4
Httm. 22.7.2015 *5
Httm 2. 22.7.2015
Anchorman 2 23.7.2015
Stalingrad1993 23.7.2015 *6
The machinist 23.7.2015
Ted 24.7.2015
Ted 2 24.7.2015
Hercules(2014) 25.7.2015
Chappie 25.7.2015
Pitch perfect 2 25.7.2015
The other guys 28.7.2015
21&Over 29.7.2015
Jackass grandpa 30.7.2015
Law abiding citizen 30.7.2015
Night at the museum 30.7.2015
Rescue dawn 3.8.2015
Night at the museum bos 3.8.2015
Spy 4.8.2015
Against the sun 4.8.2015
Lap dance 4.8.2015
The maze runner 5.8.2015
Night at the museum sot 6.8.2015
Bad Johnson 7.8.2015
Bad country 7.8.2015
Barely lethal 9.8.2015
Red Army 9.8.2015
Two night stand 9.8.2015
Beyond the lights 10.8.2015
Starred up 12.8.2015
Platoon 12.8.2015
Feast 13.8.2015
Stalingrad 2013 15.8.2015
Bravo two zero 15.8.2015
Black sea 15.8.2015
The monuments men 16.8.2015
Good kill 17.8.2015
Crazy stupid love 17.8.2015
Shooter 17.8.2015
The book of eli 19.8.2015
The man from nowhere 19.8.2015
Kingdom of heaven 20.8.2015
The longest yard 21.8.2015
Rain Man 22.8.2015
Buried 23.8.2015
Last knights 24.8.2015
Kidnapping mr heineken 25.8.2015
Hachiko 26.8.2015
Stretch 26.8.2015
Age of adeline 26.8.2015
True story 27.8.2015
We ll never have paris 27.8.2015
Snitch 27.8.2015
Hotel transylvania 27.8.2015
Home 27.8.2015
The pick of destiny 28.8.2015
Straight outta compton 29.8.2015
The other woman 30.8.2015
Immortals 1.9.2015
The island 2.9.2015
Why dont you play in hell 3.9.2015
Unstoppable 4.9.2015
The rock 4.9.2015
Citizenfour 5.9.2015
Amelie 5.9.2015
Wrath of the titans 6.9.2015
Click 7.9.2015
Turbo 8.9.2015
Spring breakers 9.9.2015
Amores perros 10.9.2015
American heist 10.9.2015
Carandiru 12.9.2015
Shaun of the dead 13.9.2015
Minions 14.9.2015
The butterfly Effect14.9.2015
About time 15.9.2015
Pride and.Prejudice 17.9.2015
Hitting the apex 17.9.2015
Zodiac 18.9.2015
A haunted house 2 19.9.2015
Leave the world behind 20.9.2015
Air 20.9.2015
El sexo de los angeles 21.9.2015
The croods 21.9.2015
The adventures of tintin 22.9.2015
Oldboy 24.9.2015
Requiem for a dream 27.9.2015
Sin city 27.9.2015
The sixth sence 29.9.2015
Miracle im cell no 7 29.9.2015
Magic mike xxl 1.10.2015
Dragon blade 2.10.2015
Crazy/beautiful 3.10.2015
Brothers 3.10.2015
The gamechangers 4.10.2015
Southpaw 5.10.2015
The hunt for redoctober 7.10.2015
San andreas 9.10.2015
Being john malkovich 9.10.2015
Cooties 10.10.2015
My sassy girl 13.10.2015
Paper towns 14.10.2015
Inside out 14.10.2015
Michael collins 16.10.2015
The raid 2 17.10.2015
Max 17.10.2015
Truman 18.10.2015
Escape to victory 19.10.2015
Dope 20.10.2015
Apocalypse Now 21.10.2015
The man from earth 22.10.2015
Me earl and dying girl 23.10.2015
Lucky number slevin 24.10.2015
Neo ned 25.10.2015
Cypher 25.10.2015
Entourage 27.10.2015
Ajami 28.10.2015
Super 30.10.2015
The fifth element 31.10.2015
The admiral 2.11.2015
boyz n the hood 3.11.2015
elite squad 5.11.2015
9th april 6.11.2015
elite squad2 7.11.2015
no escape 9.11.2015
the fall 13.11.2015
talvisota 13.11.2015
the man from uncle 14.11.2015
Hitman agent 47 15.11.2015
American Ultra 15.11.2015
Ant-man 17.11.2015
Office Space 20.11.2015
Die Welle 24.11.2015
the manchurian candidate 26.11.2015
con air 26.11.2015
inside man 28.11.2015
life is beautiful 01.12.2015
the pursuit of happiness 03.12.2015
eichmann 04.12.2015
clash of the titans 05.12.2015
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation 05.12.2015
Tracers 06.12.2015
The Town 07.12.2015
Hugo 09.12.2015
Rosewater 11.12.2015
maze runner scorch trials 13.12.2015
Against the Wall 14.12.2015
Big stan 16.12.2015
the big red one 19.12.2015
malena 19.12.2015
don verdean 19.12.2015
in enemy hands 21.12.2015
phantom 24.12.2015
everest 27.12.2015
the martian 28.12.2015
sicario 29.12.2015
creed 30.12.2015
close range 31.12.2015
The walk 1.1.2016
Crank 3.1.2016
30 minutes or less 6.1.2016
The great raid 8.1.2016
Never let me go 11.1.2016
Paycheck 13.1.2016
There will be blood 14.1.2016
The boy in strp pijamas 15.1.2016
John q 16.1.2016
Limitless 19.1.2016
Bridge of spies 23.1.2016
2 guns 25.1.2016
Hotel transylvania 2 26.1.2016
Tears of the sun 30.1.2016
Exam 30.1.2016
Brooklyn 31.1.2016
In the heart of the sea 31.1.2016
The hateful eight 3.2.2016
Jarhead 3 the siege 5.2.2016
Fathers and daughters 7.2.2016
The good dinasaur 7.2.2016
Extraction 9.2.2016
Kotu kedi serafettin 11.2.2016
Black mass 13.2.2016
Macbeth 15.2.2016
Xxx 17.2.2016
Pawn sacrifice 19.2.2016
Contact 21.2.2016
Plastic 21.2.2016
Steve jobs 22.2.2016
Northern limit line 23.2.2016
Into the wild 25.2.2016
Deep web 27.2.2016
The revenant 28.2.2016
Spectre 28.2.2016
Sympathy for my vengeance 2.3.2016
Java heat 5.3.2016
Da vinci code 8.3.2016
Would you rather 9.3.2016
A most wanted man 9.3.2016
Conspiracy 15.3.2016
The notebook 15.3.2016
The time that remains 16.3.2016
The peanuts movie 17.3.2016
The division agent origins 17.3.2016
12 Angry Men 19.3.2016
Babel 19.3.2016
The big short 20.3.2016
Apollo 13 21.3.2016
Syriana 23.3.2016
Daft punk unchained 23.3.2016
The 33 25.3.2016
Empire of the sun 26.3.2016
Kung full panda 3 27.3.2016
Spotlight 27.3.2016
Daddy's home 29.3.2016
Scott pilgrim vs the world 29.3.2016
Margin call 01.04.2016
Transsiberian 03.04.2016
The lobster 06.04.2016
Who am I 07.04.2016
Dead poets society 08.04.2016
Into the blue 10.04.2016
Pressure 11.04.2016
Monsters Inc 16.04.2016
Ali baba 7cuceler 17.04.2016
Journey to the edge of the u 18.04.2016
Search party 20.04.2016
Der ewige Jude 21.04.2016
SW force awakens 22.04.2016
Existenz 22.04.2016
Filth 23.04.2016
The finest hours 27.04.2016
Revolver 30.04.2016
Sympathy for lady vengeance 1.5.2016
Fanaa 1.5.2016
Looper 5.5.2016
Mr. Right 6.5.2016
( 241 movies in 300 days, 24.1 mpm)
////May 9 2016 to 4 March 2017/////
All the pretty horses 9.5.2016
Ride along 2 10.5.2016
Dirty grandpa 14.5.2016
Deadpool 15.5.2016
The transporter refueled 18.5.2016
Under Sandet 19.5.2016
Hunger games 21.5.2016
Lawless 22.5.2016
Hunger games catching fire 25.5.2016
Hunger g. mockingjay part 1 28.5.2016
Triple 9 31.5.2016
(11 movies in 23 days)
13hourssecretsoldiersofbengazi 4.6.2016
Bizans oyunları 5.6.2016
Minuscule v of the lost ants 5.6.2016
American pie 8.6.2016
Osman pazarlama 15.6.2016
London has fallen 19.6.2016
The brothers grimsby 19.6.2016
Hail Caesar 25.6.2016
Hungergamesmockingjay part2 25.6.2016
Eye in the sky 26.6.2016
War 26.6.2016
Zootopia 26.6.2016
American pie 2 2.7.2016
American wedding 3.7.2016
Monsters University 3.7.2016
Approaching the unknown 4.7.2016
Allegiant 5.7.2016
Where to invade next 6.7.2016
Whiskey tango foxtrot 6.7.2016
Batman v superman 8.7.2016
The mechanic 13.7.2016
Septembers of Shiraz 14.7.2016
Outbreak 17.7.2016
Polar bears a summer Odyssey 22.7.2016
Hardcore Henry 24.7.2016
Polar bears spy on the ice 26.7.2016
Demolition 30.7.2016
12 Monkeys 30.7.2016
Look who's back 31.7.2016
Triumph of the will 1.8.2016
Talladega nights 3.8.2016
Nomad the warrior 4.8.2016
Angry birds 7.8.2016
Warcraft 10.8.2016
Angels and demons 13.8.2016
Get rich or die tryin' 21.8.2016
The jungle book 31.8.2016
Spaceballs 1.9.2016
Last days in the desert 2.9.2016
Ratchet and clank 6.9.2016
The man who knew infinity 6.9.2016
Mississippi burning 10.9.2016
A hologram for the king 12.9.2016
Sniper ghost shooter 13.9.2016
Bastille day 13.9.2016
Now you see me 2 14.9.2016
Money monster 18.9.2016
Miss congeniality 24.9.2016
Tmnt out of the shadows 25.9.2016
Four lions 27.9.2016
Dinner for schmucks 28.9.2016
A bridge too far 1.10.2016
Secret life of Walter mitty 4.10.2016
Joshy 5.10.2016
Conquest of paradise 8.10.2016
Centurion 18.10.2016
Popstar nvr stop nvr stopping 19.10.2016
Suicide squad 23.10.2016
Ice age collision course 23.10.2016
Neighbors 2 sorority rising 24.10.2016
Nerve 26.10.2016
Free state of Jones 13.11.2016
Army of one 14.11.2016
The legend of Tarzan 14.11.2016
Tallulah 17.11.2016
War dogs 18.11.2016
Flock of dudes 19.11.2016
Central intelligence 20.11.2016
Skiptrace 20.11.2016
Independence day resurgence 20.11.2016
Imperium 22.11.2016
Mechanic: resurrection 23.11.2016
Finding dory 26.11.2016
Live from Baghdad 27.11.2016
Star trek beyond 27.11.2016
Mike and Dave need w. d. 27.11.2016
The infidel 28.11.2016
The infiltrator 30.11.2016
25th hour 4.12.2016
Jason Bourne 5.12.2016
Rock the kasbah 10.12.2016
Our kind of traitor 11.12.2016
Igor 18.12.2016
Snowden 20.12.2016
Storks 22.12.2016
Sully 25.12.2016
Piper 27.12.2016
Swiss army man 28.12.2016
I robot 28.12.2016
The believer 29.12.2016
The silence of the lambs 30.12.2016
The magnificent seven 30.12.2016
Accountant 4.1.2017
Southside with you 4.1.2017
Dog eat dog 5.1.2017
Kubo and the two strings 7.1.2017
PK 8.1.2017
Operation Avalanche 10.1.2017
Only the strong 12.1.2017
Keeping up with the joneses 14.1.2017
Crash 17.1.2017
Secret life of pets 17.1.2017
American honey 21.1.2017
When the bought breaks 26.1.2017
Happy people: a year in taiga 30.1.2017
Masterminds 3.2.2017
Ordinary world 3.2.2017
The nice guys 4.2.2017
Arrival 5.2.2017
Lope 6.2.2017
Uss Indianapolis 7.2.2017
Monty python and the Holy grail 8.2.2017
Passengers 9.2.2017
Deep water horizon 10.2.2017
Inferno 12.2.2017
Groundhog day 12.2.2017
Hacksaw Ridge 14.2.2017
Hell or high water 14.2.2017
Coherence 15.2.2017
Date night 17.2.2017
Colonia 21.2.2017
Allied 22.2.2017
Moonlight 22.2.2017
Doctor strange 24.2.2017
Manchester by the sea 25.2.2017
Moana 26.2.2017
Lion 1.3.2017
American psycho 4.3.2017
////5 March 2017 to 29 December 2017/////
Nocturnal animals 5.3.2017
The Perks of being a wallflower 10.3.2017
Children of men 15.3.2017
Assassins creed 18.3.2017
Gernika 18.3.2017
War on everyone 20.3.2017
Jimmy vestvood amerikan hero 21.3.2017
Lo and behold 22.3.2017
Resident evil the final chapter 23.3.2017
Office Christmas party 23.3.2017
Sing 24.3.2017
Bleed for this 25.3.2017
Billy Lynn's halftime walk 26.3.2017
Dağ II 27.3.2017
Alone in Berlin 28.3.2017
A tale of love and darkness 29.3.2017
Silence 30.3.2017
Collateral beauty 31.3.2017
Patriots day 1.4.2017
Return of Xander cage 3.4.1993
Already tomorrow in Hong Kong 5.4.1993
Good will hunting 6.4.2017
The breakfast club 7.4.2017
Anthropoid 7.4.2017
Mine 14.4.2017
Sleepless 18.4.2017
The mission 19.4.2017
Perfetti sconosciuti 21.4.2017
Boys don't cry 21.4.2017
The founder 23.4.2017
The exorcist 23.4.2017
Live by night 24.4.2017
Bokeh 25.4.2017
La la land 26.4.2017
Sand castle 27.4.2017
Buffalo soldiers 28.4.2017
The ides of March 29.4.2017
The space between us 13.5.2017
Boyka undisputed 14.5.2017
Deep cover 18.5.2017
Sunshine 18.5.2017
Fist fight 19.5.2017
The great Wall 19.5.2017
The fate of the furious 20.5.2017
The age of shadows 21.5.2017
Why him 23.5.2017
Split 24.5.2017
Gold 26.5.2017
John wick chapter 2 27.5.2017
Dear Eleanor 3.6.2017
War machine 4.6.2017
Buster's mal heart 5.6.2017
The raven 6.6.2017
Alexander 7.6.2017
Kill switch 8.6.2017
The Lego batman movie 8.6.2017
Life 11.6.2017
Wilson 15.6.2017
Chips 19.6.2017
Free fire 22.6.2017
All about the money 23.6.2017
The discovery 28.6.2017
Kevin hart what now 29.6.2017
The exception 1.7.2017
Vigilante diaries 2.7.2017
Logan 3.7.2017
Song to song 3.7.2017
HP chamber of secrets 6.7.2017
T2 trainspotting 7.7.2017
Taxi driver 8.7.2017
HP prisoner of Azkaban 8.7.2017
Power rangers 9.7.2017
Queen of the desert 13.7.2017
A United Kingdom 14.7.2017
HP philosopher's stone 16.7.2017
The blue lagoon 16.7.2017
Tour de pharmacy 17.7.2017
The belko experiment 18.7.2017
Horrible bosses 2 18.7.2017
Cafe society 20.7.2017
Think like a man too 22.7.2017
Ghost in the shell(2017) 22.7.2017
The lost city of z 23.7.2017
The promise 23.7.2017
Tora Tora Tora 26.7.2017
HP and goblet of fire 26.7.2017
Wonder woman 27.7.2017
HP order of Phoenix 29.7.2017
The talented Mr Ripley 31.7.2017
2:22 2.8.2017
The ottoman lieutenant 2.8.2017
Battle Royale 4.8.2017
King Arthur legend of the sword 5.8.2017
Going in style 8.8.2017
Security 10.8.2017
Ripped 12.8.2017
The bad batch 13.8.2017
The wall 13.8.2017
Jay and silent Bob strikes back 17.8.2017
Shimmer lake 18.8.2017
Shot caller 20.8.2017
Idiocracy 22.8.2017
The circle 23.8.2017
68 kills 24.8.2017
HP and half blood prince 26.8.2017
Maz jobrani immigrant 29.8.2017
Baywatch 30.8.2017
6 days 31.8.2017
Kedi 9.9.2017
Megan leavey 12.9.2017
Battle for Sevastopol 14.9.2017
Rough night 16.9.2017
Baby driver 26.9.2017
The little hours 27.9.2017
Transformers the last knight 30.9.2017
The layover 30.9.2017
All eyez on me 1.10.2017
The house 2.10.2017
The big sick 3.10.2017
Despicable me 3 13.10.2017
Lowriders 13.10.2017
Captain fantastic 15.10.2017
PiratesoftheCaribbean :dmtnt 18.10.2017
Serenity 24.10.2017
Born in China 3.11.2017
HP and the deathly hollows P2 6.11.2017
Reality high 14.11.2017
The dark tower 14.11.2017
Voyage of time 24.11.2017
The legend of 1900 29.11.2017
Gifted 30.11.2017
Girls trip 1.12.2017
Dredd 4.12.2017
Dunkirk 8.12.2017
Logan lucky 10.12.2017
Kingsman golden circle 16.12.2017
The pirates of Somalia 16.12.2017
American made 19.12.2017
Battleship island 21.12.2017
The glass castle 23.12.2017
Victoria and Abdul 25.12.2017
Atomic blonde 26.12.2017
Step brothers 26.12.2017
Tinker tailor soldier spy 29.12.2017
The foreigner 2.1.2018
Stronger 11.1.2018
Bright 12.1.2018
American Assassin 13.1.2018
First they killed my father 13.1.2018
Jungle 18.1.2018
The campaign 19.1.2018
Lego ninjago 20.1.2018
Crash pad 26.1.2018
Last flag flying 9.2.2018
Thank you for your service 19.2.2018
Renegades 28.2.2018
Daddy's home 2 2.3.2018
Blades of glory 2.3.2018
Cocaine godmother 3.3.2018
The disaster artist 8.3.2018
Prof Marston wonder woman 10.3.2018
Crown heights 13.3.2018
The death of Stalin 18.3.2018
Brad's status 20.3.2018
The female brain 24.3.2018
Get him to the Greek 24.3.2018
Father figures 25.3.2018
Reign of fire 27.3.2018
Viking 27.3.2018
Three billboards outside ebb 29.3.2018
Game over man 30.3.2018
Borg vs McEnroe 31.3.2018
12 strong 6.4.2018
The commuter 6.4.2018
Coco 12.4.2018
Goodbye Christopher Robin 22.4.2018
Ali and nino 23.4.2018
Molly's game 25.4.2018
Den of Thieves 28.4.2018
Annihilation 30.4.2018
All the money in the world 1.5.2018
Dangal 1.5.2018
Game night 10.5.2018
The motorcycle diaries 10.5.2018
Pacific rim 2 13.5.2018
Detroit 14.5.2018
The 15:17 to Paris 14.5.2018
The post 19.5.2018
The boss baby 19.5.2018
Hostiles 26.5.2018
Peter rabbit 1.6.2018
Ready player one 3.6.2018
Tomb raider 4.6.2018
Journey's end 7.6.2018
How high 11.6.2018
Mountain 12.6.2018
7 days in entebbe 21.6.2018
Every day 22.6.2018
Dances with wolves 23.6.2018
Van helsing 29.6.2018
Wind river 30.6.2018
Beirut 4.7.2018
Anon 11.7.2018
The yellow birds 12.7.2018
Lost in London 13.7.2018
Mark felt wbdtwh 13.7.2018
Vincent and roxxy 22.7.2018
Loving Pablo 22.7.2018
The great Gatsby 25.7.2018
2001: a space odyssey 25.7.2018
The meyerowitz stories 26.7.2018
Bodyguard 27.7.2018
A man called ove 27.7.2018
Blade runner 2049 3.8.2018
Final fantasy the spirits within 7.8.2018
The elder millennial 11.8.2018
The raging bull 14.8.2018
How it ends 15.8.2018
Life of Brian 15.8.2018
Legends of the fall 17.8.2018
Mary magdalena 19.8.2018
Adrift 21.8.2018
Deadpool 2 22.8.2018
Siberia 25.8.2018
Okja 2.9.2018
Ocean's Eight 4.9.2018
The catcher was a spy 9.9.2018
The mountain between us 13.9.2018
Sicario day of the soldado 21.9.2018
How to get girls 30.9.2018
Heavy reissu 2.10.2018
Upgrade 2.10.2018
Blue iguana 3.10.2018
Tag 4.10.2018
Armed 10.10.2018
King's choice 12.10.2018
The villainess 15.10.2018
É.T 15.10.2018
Ayla 18.10.2018
Bilal a new breed of hero 28.10.2018
Next gen 30.10.2018
Future World 31.10.2018
Skyscrapers 31.10.2018
BlackKklansman 1.11.2018
They live 2.11.2018
Wonder 4.11.2018
Atonement 4.11.2018
The predator 19.11.2018
Outlaw king 25.11.2018
Redbad 27.11.2018
[[[Military Time]]]
Johnny English strikes again 1.1.2019
Perfectos desconocidos 2.1.2019
Papillon 4.1.2019
A beautiful planet 7.1.2019
Venom 8.1.2019
Child 44 16.1.2019
Hotel Artemis 21.1.2019
Kung fu hustle 22.1.2019
Incredibles 2 23.1.2019
A beginner's guide to snuff 23.1.2019
White boy Rick 23.1.2019
The spy who dumped me 28.1.2019
Night school 30.1.2019
They shall not grow old 1.2.2019
Operation finale 3.2.2019
Bohemian rhapsody 20.2.2019
Reno 911 Miami 25.2.2019
A star is born 27.2.2019
A few good man 4.3.2019
Mortal engines 7.3.2019
Frontera 7.3.2019
Bumblebee 13.3.2019
Cruise 14.3.2019
Ballad of the buster Scruggs 26.3.2019
The sisters brothers 31.3.2019
The man who killed Don Quixote 5.4.2019
Destination wedding 5.4.2019
How to train your dragon hidden world 8.4.2019
Ralph breaks the internet 8.4.2019
Widows 8.4.2019
Glass 10.4.2019
Alita 11.4.2019
Replicas 13.4.2019
Triple threat 14.4.2019
Dragged across concrete 16.4.2019
Isn't it romantic 17.4.2019
Black mirror bandersnatch 22.4.2019
Kin 23.4.2019
Arctic 23.4.2019
Divorce party 26.4.2019
What men want 28.4.2019
London fields 6.5.2019
Green book 8.5.2019
The equalizer 2 28.5.2019
Fighting with my family 30.5.2019
Five feet apart 5.6.2019
Black panther 24.6.2019
Hotel Mumbai 25.6.2019
Stockholm 26.6.2019
The hummingbird project 28.6.2019
The girl who leapt through time 30.6.2019
Pretty woman 4.7.2019
The professor 5.7.2019
The Pokémon detective 6.7.2019
The equalizer 2 10.7.2019
The battle of Algiers 14.7.2017
The highwaymen 16.7.2019
Avengement 23.7.2019
the aftermath 27.7.2019
funny story 29.7.2019
blindspotting 31.7.2019
A violent man 1.8.2019
Serenity 1.8.2019
Marwen 2.8.2019
Long dumb road 3.8.2019
Slaughterhouse rulez 3.8.2019
Making babies 4.8.2019
Shaft 8.8.2019
Tolkien 8.8.2019
Silver linings playbook 14.8.2019
Long shot 15.8.2019
John Wick parabellum 16.8.2019
Shazam! 16.8.2019
Overcomers 24.9.2019
The place 24.10.2019
El camino 07.11.2019
Free sólo 25.11.2019
Snowpiercer 26.11.2019
Lost in translation 28.11.2019
The current war 29.11.2019
Stuber 30.11.2019
Spiderman into the spider verse 30.11.2019
Spring summer fall winter 30.11.2019
Oh Brother where are thou 04.12.2019
Turkish ice-cream 08.12.2019
Once upon a time in Hollywood 14.12.2019
The flowers of war 18.12.2019
Danger close 23.12.2019
The laundromat 23.12.2019
Joker 25.12.2019
Angel has fallen 27.12.2019
Jexi 28.12.2019
Fast and furious Hobbs and shaw 30.12.2019
The team kill 30.12.2019
Rambo last blood 31.12.2019
6 underground 31.12.2019
The king 3.1.2020
The art of racing in the rain 4.1.2020
The operative 5.1.2020
There be dragons 5.1.2020
Red sea diving resort 11.1.2020
Abominable 12.1.2020
Jojo rabbit 12.1.2020
Bridge on the river Kwai 12.1.2020
Bad boys for life 19.1.2020
Siege of Jadotville 30.1.2020
Russel peters deported 1.2.2020
Jay and silent Bob reboot 4.2.2020
1917 7.2.2020
Midway 9.2.2020
Ford v Ferrari 23.2.2020
Spenser 9.3.2020
Zombieland double tap 16.3.2020
Ad astra 18.3.2020
Extraction 24.4.2020
Art of self defense 1.5.2020
Chris delia no pain 1.5.2020
Romeo must die 5.5.2020
Nacho libre 8.5.2020
The Irishman 17.5.2020
Guns akimbo 18.5.2020
Escape from Pretoria 27.5.2020
Battle of jangsari 4.6.2020
The banker 5.6.2020
21 bridges 19.6.2020
The 13th warrior 23.6.2020
Deja vu 30.6.2020
Frozen II 1.7.2020
Call of the wild 3.7.2020
Eurovision fire saga 5.7.2020
Parasite 9.7.2020
The gentlemen 11.7.2020
As good as it gets 15.7.2020
The old guard 16.7.2020
Dorian Gray 22.7.2020
Eyes wide shut 25.7. 2020
Heartbreak Kid 5.8.2020
no movies in september.
The aeronauts 25.10.2020
Anna 9.11.2020
Ferris buellers day off 27.11.2020
Gattaca 14.12.2020
California Christmas 18.12.2020
Hall pass 20.12.2020
How the grinch stole the Christmas 21.12.2020
The take 24.12.2020
The sandlot 4.2.2021
Savages 17.3.2021
Superlopez 17.4.2021
Mortal Kombat 4.5.2021
Crisis 4.5.2021
The Mauritanian 5.5.2021
The platform 7.5.2021
Meet the Spartans 7.5.2021
Breakfast at Tiffany's 9.5.2021
I care a lot 14.5.2021
Cherry 17.5.2021
Without remorse 19.5.2021
Tenet 20.5.2021
Percy vs Goliath 20.5.2021
Borat subsequent moviefilm 16.6.2021
The spectacular now 18.6.2021
Unhinged 20.6.2021
Semper fi 23.6.2021
My spy 7.7.2021
The hunt 8.7.2021
F9 1.8.2021
Blue crush 5.8.2021
Sonic the hedgehog 6.8.2021
Mortal Kombat scorpions revenge 8.8.2021
The ice road 10.8.2021
Richard jewell 11.8.2021
Mr Jones 12.8.2021
Radioactive 12.8.2021
Queen and slim 12.8.2021
America the motion picture 13.8.2021
The hitmans bodyguard 4.9.2021
Prey 13.9.2021
The dark city 22.9.2021
Double jeopardy 23.9.2021
Double jeopardy 24.9.2021
State of play 24.9.2021
Fatherhood 25.9.2021
Coming to america 30.9.2021
Coming 2 America 10.10.2021
Dune 27.10.2021
SpongeBob on the run 28.10.2021
Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard 14.11.2021
The outpost 11.12.2021
The guilty 13.12.2021
Blue bayou 15.12.2021
Red notice 18.12.2021
Stowaway 29.12.2021
Malcolm and marie 15.1.2022
Matrix resurrection 16.1.2022
The tax collector 17.1.2022
The informer 18.1.2022
Just mercy 22.1.2022
Silk road 29.1.2022
Lansky 4.2.2022
Venom let there be carnage 25.2.2022
Free guy 3.3.2022
One night in miami 8.3.2022
Midnight in th4 switchgrass 10.3.2022
Outside the wire 13.3.2022
Spider-Man no way home 17.3.2022
Lords of chaos 3.4.2022
Nobody 9.4.2022
The adam prpject 10.4.2022
Coda 11.4.2022
The gambler 14.4.2022
uncharted 5.5.2022
mosul 5.5.2022
greyhound 5.5.2022
redirected 9.5.2022
Queenpins 12.5.2022
Red sparrow 20.5.2022
Ghost rider 25.5.2022
Dog 27.5.2022
Army of the dead 28.5.2022
Ambulance 28.5.2022
The northman 28.5.2022
Superfast 1.6.2022
The marksman 8.6.2022
Top gun 18.6.2022
Demolition man 22.6.2022
Top gun maverick 2.7.2022
Samurai marathon 5.7.2022
Sticks and stones 8.7.2022
The hungover games 10.7.2022
Beavis and butthead do the universe 11.7.2022
The guest 12.7.2022
Colors 3.8.2022
Minions the rise of gru 11.8.2022
The mule 7.9.2022
Air America 11.9.2022
Father stu 12.9.2022
Fall 19.9.2022
Get out 7.10.2022
47 meters down 12.10.2022
12 rounds 3 lockdown 12.10.2022
Prey 12.10.2022
Princess diaries 15.10.2022
Me time 18.10.2022
Where the crawdads sing 25.10.2022
The man from Toronto 2.11.2022
Enola Holmes 11.11.2022
Bullet train 13.11.2022
The king's man 22.11.2022
Blue streak 23.11.2022
The grey 23.11.2022
The wrath of man 24.11.2022
The gray man 24.11.2022
Jungle cruise 4.12.2022
A hidden life 5.12.2022
Judas and the black messiah 5.12.2022
Da 5 bloods 6.12.2022
Bloodshot 11.12.2022
All quiet on the western front 24.12.2022
Boiler room 26.12.2022
The courier 4.1.2023
17 again 5.1.2023
Motherless Brooklyn 7.1.2023
The king of Staten Island 15.1.2023
Sound of metal 15.1.2023
Lovebirds 15.1.2023
365 days 17.1.2023
Ricky Gervais 19.1.2023
The escort 20.1.2023
Best in hell 21.1.2023
Amsterdam 22.1.2023
Avatar the way of water 23.1.2023
You people 7.2.2023
Plane 15.2.2023
The greatest beer run ever 16.2.2023
Frequency 17.2.2023
Wild is the wind 17.2.2023
Brat 19.2.2023
Brother 2 19.2.2023
Cold pursuit 28.2.2023
Blow 1.3.2023
Knock at the cabin 2.3.2023
Don't look up 4.3.2023
Eternals 5.3.2023
Europa Europa 6.3.2023
Together together 17.3.2023
Hot shots 22.3.2023
Hot shots part deux 23.3.2023
Ready or not 23.3.2023
The subtle art of not giving a fuck 26.3.2023
Career opportunities 27.3.2023
The inspection 5.4.2023
Last night in soho 14.4.2023
Marry me 15.4.2023
Run sweetheart run 20. 4.2023
Coyote ugly 29.4.2023
The eagle has landed 4.5.2023
The fugitive 5.5.2023
Gangs of new York 8.5.2023
The covenant 9.5.2023
Code 8 13.5.2023
28 days later 17.5.2023
365 days this day 23.5.2023
John wick chapter 4 24.5.2023
The next 365 days 29.5.2023
The mother 29.5.2023
Dude where's my car 31.5.2023
Kandahar 22.6.2023
Extraction 2 24.6.2023
Enola Holmes 2 25.6.2023
Tetris 2.7.2023
Super Mario Brothers 3.7.2023
Robots 11.7.2023
Hatfields and McCoys 13.7.2023
Operation fortune Ruse de Guerre 20.7.2023
Saddams tribe bound by blood 26.7.2023
On a wing and a prayer 5.8.2023
Sympathy for the devil 6.8.2023
Hidden strike 22.8.2023
Whats love got to do with it 30.8.2023
Máster and commander 2.10.2023
Sound of freedom 8.10.2023
Meet Joe black 25.10. 2023
12 feet deep 26.10.2023
The equalizer 3 27.10.2023
Old dads 27.10.2023
Gladiator 29.10.2023
Day of the siege 30.10.2023
The onion movie 31.10.2023
Five nights at Freddy's 7.11.2023
What women want 8.11.2023
They cloned Tyrone 13.11.2023
Mission impossible the dead reckoning 19.11.2023
Oppenheimer 26.11.2023
No hard feelings 14.12.2023
Role models 17.12.2023
Gran tourismo 18.12.2023
Fear the night 18.12.2023
Elf 22.12.2023
Airplane! 3.1.2024
The hot chick 4.1.2024
Devil's double 8.1.2024
Mediterráneo 8.1.2024
Killers of the flower moon 11.1.2024
Heart of stone 19.2.2024
Napoleon 19.2.2024
Dear john 12.4.2024
Night at the roxbury 22.5.2024
Civil war 25.5.2024
Year one 8.6.2024
Sahara 14.6. 2024
Godzilla x kong : the new empire 20.6.2024
Deuce bigalow jigolo 25.6.2024
Pearl 4.7.2024
House 21.7.2024
Vvitch 31.7.2024
Kung fu panda 4 13.8.2024
Vicky Cristina Barcelona 27.8.2024
American pickle 31.8.2024
Furiosa a mad max saga 3.9.2024
Deep water 4.9.2024
Corner office 9.9.2024
The butterfly effect 17.9.2024
27 dresses 18.9.2024
Special agent 19.9.2024
Fast x 20.9.2024
1992 23.9.2024
Life of a king 23.9.2024
The bike riders 26.9.2024
Freelance 21.10.2024
Guns of navarone 30.10.2024
Red dawn 18.11.2024
Conan the barbarian 19.11.2024
Joker folie a deux 20.11.2024
The beekeeper 20.11.2024
Trap 21.11.2024
Glass onion 21.11.2024
Murder mystery 27.11.2024
Firing squad 5.12.2024
Extortion 12.12.2024
The fly 17.12.2024
Venom last dance 18.12.2024
Gladiator 2 28.12.2024
The east 29.12.2024
Fly me to the moon 30.12.2024
Murder mystery 2 7.1.2025
The holdovers 16.1.2025
Vacation friends 2 26.1.2025
Dumb money 27.1.2025
The book of clarence 29.1.2025
The invention of lying 3.2.2025
The killers game 4.2.2025
Vacation friends 6.2.2025
Den of thieves 2 pantera 10.2.2025
The creator 12.2.2025
Rewind 13.2.2025
Flight risk 14.2.2025
Rat race 15.2.2025
Butchers crossing 24.2.2025
Red heat 26.2.2025
1000. Sicario
1001. The Martian
1100. The Looper
1111. Hunger Games Catching Fire
Bu listeye bakıp çok fazla çıkarımda bulunulabilir. Gün aralıklarına bakılabilir, sınav ya da proje dönemleri ile karşılaştırılabilir ya da bazı günler 4 film izlenmişken yeri gelmiş 5 gün hiç bir film izlenmemiş.
Bazı filmler hiç duyulmamış/bilinmedik olabilirler ama hepsinin bir açıklaması var. Bazı filmleri çok beğendiğim bir oyuncu var diye izlediğim olmuştur. Örnek olarak law abiding citizen verilebilir. Olay hakkında hiç bir bilgim yoktu, imdb puanını bilmiyordum tek bildiğim gerard butler ve jamie foxx ikilisinin oynadığıydı. Ve yüzümü kara çıkarmadılar herşeyiyle çok beğendiğim bi film olmuştu.
Tabiki bu taktik her zaman işe yaramadı. Yeri geldi çok kötü filmler izlediğim oldu örnek olarak platoon verilebilir. Charlie Sheen, Willem Dafoe, Keith David'in filmde olması ve vietnam savaşı diye direk indirdim bu sefer imdb puanına da baktım:8. Tüm bunlar beklentilerimi çok yükseltti ancak film savaşı sorgulayan ve savaş karşıtı bi film çıktı. Son sahne dışında çatışma sahneleri sıkıcıydı ve şanlı Amerikan bayrağı çok az miktarda gösterildi.
Bazı filmleri ise küçükken televizyonda izlemiştim. Ama televizyonda verilen sık reklamlar sebebiyle ve küçüklüğün verdiği uyku sevdası sebebiyle çoğu filmi izleyemezdim tam olarak ve sonlarını göremezdim. Bu yarım kalan filmler benim beynimi yer bitirir uykularımı kaçırır. Bazen bazı "loose end" ler aklıma gelir ve saatlerce aklımda kalan bilgilerle bu filmleri ararım. Listede buna örnek olarak verilebilecek filmlerden biri ise Hidalgo'dur. İspanyolca "soylu" gelmesinin dışında ilk bakışta sevilebilecek bi noktası yoktu ancak ben televizyonda en heyecanlı sahnesi olan kum fırtınasından kaçışı izlediğim için tamamını izlemeden rahat edemeyecektim ve daha sonra filmi sonunda indir(t)ip izledikten sonra yaşadığım rahatlık paha biçilemezdi.
Birinci on aylık film ortalaması 12.3 iken ikinci on aylık dilimdeki aylık film ortalaması 13.8 bunun sebebi sanırım yazlık dönemin buraya denk gelmesi de olabilir.
*: Burada liste direkt olarak torrent teki bitikler listesinden alındığı için alfabetik olarak sıralanmış durumdalar.
**: Mesela türkçe karakter kullanmamışım ki bu listenin bu kadar büyüyeceği ve benim için bir blog konusu olabileceğini düşünmemiştim.
***: white castle
*4: Kung fury 30 dakikalık kısa bi film olduğu için buraya yazmaya gerek duymamıştım. Zira indirp izlememiştim. Youtube'dan izlemiştim yani benim için adeta bir youtube videosuydu bu sebeple bunu film olarak eklemek aklıma gelmedi. Ama daha sonra çeşitli ortamlarda diğer büyük filmlerin arasında( popcorn time adlı programda ) gördüğüm için buraya ekleme gereği duydum ama tam olarak ne zaman izlediğimi hatırlayamıyorum. Sanırım film çıktıktan 2 gün sonra idi.
*5: Hot tub time machine. Bu da yapmayı sevdiğim bir başka şey. Duoloji, triloji ya da kuadroloji olmuş filmlerin hepsini bir gün ya da birkaç günde üst üste izlemek. Bunu ilk olarak 2010 yılında badboys ve rush hour ları izleyerek yapmıştım ve şimdi bu eski geleneği canlandırdım ve bunu httm, night at the museum, ted, anchorman ile yaptım ve şimdi de hunger games ile yapacağım.
*6: 1993 diye yazdım çünkü bu alman yapımı şaheserin 2013 rus yapımı aynı adlı filmle karışmasını istemedim. Rus yapımı olanı izlemedim, haksızlık yapmak istemem ama eminim ki 1993lü adaşı kadar iyi olamaz.
mpm: movie per month
5.12.2015: işe girdiğim için film izleme oranım gittikçe düşüyor(3 hafta oldu).
Lost Over Time:
Ingrid Goes West (unrecorded but watched)
Kayıtlar (Atom)